Hardware Reference
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bone# cd ~/xenomai-2.6.4
bone# ./configure CFLAGS="-march=armv7-a -mfpu=vfp3"
LDFLAGS="-march=armv7-a \
bone# make
bone# make install
./configure takes about a minute, make six more minutes, and install another
Next, copy the drivers:
bone# cd; mkdir xenomai_drivers; cd xenomai_drivers
host$ cd bb-kernel/KERNEL/drivers/xenomai/testing
host$ scp *.ko
bone# insmode xeno_klat.ko
Go ahead and run some tests:
bone# usr/xenomai/bin/latency
== Sampling period: 1000 us
== Test mode: periodic user-mode task
== All results in microseconds
warming up...
RTT| 00:00:01 (periodic user-mode task, 1000 us period, priority
RTH|----lat min|----lat avg|----lat max|-overrun|---msw|---lat
best|--lat worst
RTD| 3.624| 3.833| 20.458| 0| 0|
3.624| 20.458
RTD| 2.749| 3.749| 22.583| 0| 0|
2.749| 22.583
RTD| 2.749| 4.583| 25.499| 0| 0|
2.749| 25.499
RTD| 2.749| 3.708| 20.541| 0| 0|
2.749| 25.499
RTD| 2.749| 3.749| 21.916| 0| 0|
2.749| 25.499
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