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return 0 ;
+ static void __exit hello_end ( void )
printk ( KERN_INFO "Goodbye Boris \n " );
+ module_init ( hello_start );
+ module_exit ( hello_end );
+ MODULE_AUTHOR ( "Boris Houndleroy" );
+ MODULE_DESCRIPTION ( "Hello World Example" );
Here's how to use it:
1. Install the kernel sources ( Recipe 7.5 ).
2. Change to the kernel directory ( cd bb-kernel/KERNEL ).
3. Add Example 7-4 to a file named hello.patch in the bb-kernel/KERNEL directory.
4. Run the following commands:
host$ cd bb-kernel/KERNEL
host$ patch -p1 < hello.patch
patching file hello/Makefile
patching file hello/hello.c
The output of the patch command apprises you of what it's doing. Look in the hello dir-
ectory to see what was created:
host$ cd hello
host$ ls
hello.c Makefile
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