Hardware Reference
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If you have loaded multiple kernels, it's easy to switch between them without downloading
them again:
bone# ls /boot
config-3.15.6-bone5 System.map-3.15.6-bone5
config-3.16.0-rc5-bone0 System.map-3.16.0-rc5-bone0
config-3.8.13-bone59 System.map-3.8.13-bone59
config-3.8.13-bone60 System.map-3.8.13-bone60
dtbs uboot
initrd.img-3.15.6-bone5 uEnv.txt
initrd.img-3.16.0-rc5-bone0 vmlinuz-3.15.6-bone5
initrd.img-3.8.13-bone59 vmlinuz-3.16.0-rc5-bone0
initrd.img-3.8.13-bone60 vmlinuz-3.8.13-bone59
SOC.sh vmlinuz-3.8.13-bone60
bone# head -4 /boot/uEnv.txt
#Docs: http://elinux.org/Beagleboard:U-boot_partitioning_layout_2.0
The first command lists which kernels you have downloaded. The second command shows
the first few lines of /boot/uEnv.txt , which is the file that specifies which kernel to boot.
Edit /boot/uEnv.txt by changing 3.8.13-bone60 to the kernel you want and then reboot.
If there is a problem and you can't access the Bone through the network, see Recipe 5.5 for
how to connect to the Bone by using an FTDI cable.
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