Hardware Reference
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Wow! What is happening here? The JavaScript code is running on the browser, but when
you get to a BoneScript statement such as b.analogRead(SLIDER,
onSliderRead); , the browser does a remote procedure call (RPC) to the Bone to read
the value. The value is returned to the browser, and it continues running. This is a very
powerful setup. The same BoneScript code that runs on the Bone and interacts with the
hardware can also run on a remote browser and still interact with the Bone !
Let's take a close look at the code in Example 6-4 .
Example 6-4. BoneScript running in a browser and reading BeagleBone Black hardware
setTargetAddress ( '' , {
initialized : run
function run () {
var b = require ( 'bonescript' );
var SLIDER = 'P9_36' ;
var BUTTON = 'P8_19' ;
b . pinMode ( BUTTON , b . INPUT );
getSliderStatus ();
function getSliderStatus () {
b . analogRead ( SLIDER , onSliderRead );
function onSliderRead ( x ) {
if (! x . err ) {
$ ( '#sliderStatus' ). html ( x . value . toFixed ( 3 ));
getButtonStatus ()
function getButtonStatus () {
b . digitalRead ( BUTTON , onButtonRead );
function onButtonRead ( x ) {
if (! x . err ) {
$ ( '#buttonStatus' ). html ( x . value );
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