Hardware Reference
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var server = http . createServer ( servePage );
b . pinMode ( gpio , b . INPUT , 7 , 'pulldown' );
server . listen ( port );
console . log ( "Listening on " + port );
function servePage ( req , res ) {
var path = url . parse ( req . url ). pathname ;
console . log ( "path: " + path );
if ( path === '/gpio' ) {
var data = b . digitalRead ( gpio );
res . write ( htmlStart + data + htmlEnd , 'utf8' );
res . end ();
} else {
fs . readFile ( __dirname + path , function ( err , data ) {
if ( err ) {
return send404 ( res );
res . write ( data , 'utf8' );
res . end ();
function send404 ( res ) {
res . writeHead ( 404 );
res . write ( '404 - page not found' );
res . end ();
This the the HTML to send to the server before the data value.
This is the HTML for after the data.
Normally, we'd send a file, but if /gpio is requested, we'll build our own page
and include the value of the GPIO pin.
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