Hardware Reference
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This solution builds on the Node.js-based web server solution in Recipe 6.3 .
To make this recipe, you will need:
▪ Breadboard and jumper wires (see “Prototyping Equipment” )
▪ Pushbutton switch (see “Miscellaneous” )
Wire your pushbutton as shown in Figure 2-5 . Add the code in Example 6-3 to a file called
GPIOserver.js in the serverExample directory.
Example 6-3. A simple Node.js-based web server to read a GPIO (GPIOserver.js)
#!/usr/bin/env node
// Initial idea from Getting Started With node.js and socket.io
// http://codehenge.net/blog/2011/12/
// v0-7-part-2/
// This is a simple server for the various web frontends
// Display status of P9_42
"use strict" ;
var port = 9090 ,
// Port on which to listen
http = require ( 'http' ),
url = require ( 'url' ),
fs = require ( 'fs' ),
b = require ( 'bonescript' ),
gpio = 'P9_42' ;
// gpio port to read
var htmlStart = "\
<!DOCTYPE html>\
<h1>" + gpio + "</h1>\
data = " ;
var htmlEnd = "\
</html>" ;
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