Hardware Reference
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To free up space, you can remove preinstalled packages or discover big files to remove.
Removing preinstalled packages
You might not need a few things that come preinstalled in the Debian image, including
such things as OpenCV, the Chromium web browser, and some documentation.
The Chromium web browser is the open source version of Google's Chrome web browser. Un-
less you are using the Bone as a desktop computer, you can probably remove it.
OpencCV is an open source computer vision package. If you aren't doing computer vision, you
can remove it.
Here's how you can remove these:
bone# apt-get autoremove opencv* (83M)
bone# apt-get remove libopencv-* --purge (41M)
bone# apt-get autoremove
bone# rm -rf /usr/lib/chromium
bone# rm -f /usr/bin/chromium
bone# rm -rf /usr/share/doc
bone# rm -rf /usr/share/man
These packages and sizes to remove were found in a BeagleBoard Google Groups thread .
Discovering big files
The du (disk usage) command offers a quick way to discover big files:
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