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any hosts from before. The StrictHostKeyChecking no setting tells SSH to auto-
matically add new hosts without asking.
The User root line solves a different problem. I generally log in to my Bone as root ;
this line makes SSH default to root , so I can enter the SSH without the root@ , and it
will log me in as root :
host$ ssh
root@'s password:
You can have a password on your Bone, but not have to type it in everytime you SSH to the
Bone. From your host, do this:
host$ ssh-copy-id root@
The authenticity of host ' ('
can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is
Are you sure you want to continue connecting
(yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA)
to the list of known hosts.
Now try logging into the machine, with
"ssh 'root@'", and check in:
to make sure we haven't added extra keys that you weren't
This copies some keys to the Bone that tell it to allow you to log in from your host without
using a password.
SSH is a very common way to connect between computers. After it's working, it opens up
many other useful commands that are based on it. For example, you can copy files from
one computer to another by using the scp command:
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