Hardware Reference
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// Set the eEQP period, convert to ns.
fs . writeFile ( eQEP + 'period' , period * 1000000 , function ( err ) {
if ( err ) throw err ;
console . log ( 'Period updated to ' + period * 1000000 );
// Enable
fs . writeFile ( eQEP + 'enabled' , 1 , function ( err ) {
if ( err ) throw err ;
console . log ( 'Enabled' );
setInterval ( readEncoder , period );
// Check state every 250 ms
function readEncoder ( x ) {
fs . readFile ( eQEP + 'position' , { encoding : 'utf8' }, printValue );
function printValue ( err , data ) {
if ( err ) throw err ;
if ( oldData !== data ) {
console . log ( 'position: ' + data + ' speed:
' +( oldData - data ));
oldData = data ;
Try rotating the encoder clockwise and counter-clockwise. You'll see an output like this:
Period updated to 100000000
position: 0
speed: NaN
position: 4
speed: -4
position: 6
speed: -2
position: 8
speed: -2
position: 12
speed: -4
position: 16
speed: -4
position: 19
speed: -3
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