Java Reference
In-Depth Information
<ReplyTo xmlns="">
<MessageID xmlns="">
<ns3:Sequence xmlns:ns2=""
<ns2:get xmlns:ns2="">
There's a SOAPAction attached to the message in the HTTP header, and the SOAP envelope
headers contain all of the WS-Addressing information. The <To> , <Action> , and <ReplyTo>
elements are all in the WS-Addressing namespace. In a way, addressing represents an attempt
to provide a URI in a manner similar to how RESTful services do. The <ReplyTo> address is
for the “anonymous” user because the client was not identified as having a URI of its own.
The WS-RM information is also included in the SOAP envelope headers. The message in this
case is given an ID that conforms to the structure of a universally unique ID (UUID, usu-
ally generated based on an intersection of a timestamp and information from the NIC). The
specification does not require that this ID be in the UUID structure, however, as long as it is
unique. The runtime uses this message ID to keep track of whether the request has been ac-
knowledged as received, and in what sequence.
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