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Creating a Ruby Client for a .NET Service
You have a web service written in .NET that you want to consume from a Ruby application.
Require the soap/rpc/driver library, and then use the SOAP::RPC::Driver class to referen-
ce the WSDL and the SOAP::EncodingStyle::ASPDotNetHandler class to invoke the ser-
First, make sure that Ruby is installed. You can download the latest version available at . On Windows, you can download the “one-click in-
staller,” which includes a number of additional libraries and is the easiest way to get started.
The installer will install a program called ScITE, which is a lightweight code assistant/high-
lighter. To test your installation, create a new file in Notepad or ScITE, with the following
puts "Hello, World"
Save the file as Hello.rb. Now open a console and type ruby Hello.rb to run your program
in the interpreter, and you should see the venerable output. Now you'll use Ruby to create
a SOAP client at . The service itself, shown in Example 12-14 ,
simply converts the monetary exchange rates between two countries.
Example12-14.Ruby client for .NET currency conversion service
require 'soap/rpc/driver'
#create a connection to the service
Converter =
#set the encoding style
Converter.default_encodingstyle =
#add the SOAP Action HTTP header
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