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Creating a Ruby Client for a Web Service
You want to create a Ruby program that consumes a web service written in Java.
Use the wsdl2ruby program or, preferably, the SOAP::WSDLDriverFactory class.
The wsdl2ruby program is similar to wsdl.exe in .NET or wsdl2java in Apache Axis, or
wsimport . The WSDLDriverFactory class dynamically generates code for you at runtime
based on a WSDL, which hides the complexity of dealing with services.
Let's make a client that invokes a Java web service calculator. Here's the most relevant part
from the schema for this example:
<xs:complexType name="add">
<xs:element name="i" type="xs:int"/>
<xs:element name="j" type="xs:int"/>
This WSDL defines an add operation, with two parameters, i and j , which are integers to be
added. It's a document/literal wrapped service. Now you can make a Ruby program that will
invoke this service, which I've written in Java (see Example 12-13 ) .
require 'soap/wsdlDriver'
wsdl = 'http://localhost:8080/CalculatorApp/CalculatorWSService?wsdl'
service =
service.wiredump_dev = STDOUT
result = service.add(:i=>'6', :j=>'9')
puts "Result is %s!" % "#{result.return}"
Here the require statement indicates the library that you want to use. You create a variable
called wsdl , and because Ruby is not strongly typed like Java is, you don't need to give the
variable a reference type; Ruby can determine it from context. Then create a proxy instance
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