Java Reference
In-Depth Information
<Action xmlns="">
<ReplyTo xmlns="">
<MessageID xmlns="">
<ns2:sayHello xmlns:ns2="">
Recall that if you want to view the SOAP messages as they are being sent on the wire, put the WSIT
webservices-rt.jaron your classpath and add the following code to your invocation. In your IDE, you
can specify this as a “run” argument. I mention it again here because addressing adds so many head-
ers that it becomes particularly useful.
As you can see from the dump of this SOAP message, using the AddressingFeature message
adds considerable length to your messages.
Invoking the service with this request will give you the desired output. The SOAP response
message comes in the following form (the HTTP headers have been omitted because there's
nothing in them that's specific to Addressing):
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<To xmlns="">
<Action xmlns="">
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