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However, you should be able to use jUDDi with any ANSI-compliant server. The only
trick here is that the scripts are not in the WAR you downloaded. You have to download
juddi-2.0rc5.jarfrom the releases page to get the necessary scripts. Nav-
igate to the directory to which you downloaded the JAR and extract the scripts:
$ jar -xvf juddi-2.0rc5.jar juddi-sql
This creates a directory called juddi-sqlthat contains the scripts you need to execute to create
the database. Navigate into the mysqldirectory and open the README file, which contains
instructions on how to proceed.
Now you'll set up the database on the command line with the MySQL client. First, make sure
that MySQL is started. I'll use this command:
$ /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld restart
Then make sure that you have a user named “juddi” with a password of “juddi”.
Now copy the create_database.sqlscript in the mysqldirectory to a file named create-juddi-
db.sql. This is to ensure that you retain a pristine copy in case you make a mistake when modi-
fying the file. Add an insert statement to the bottom that will create a publisher—someone
who can add services to the registry:
VALUES ('eben','Eben Hewitt','',
Now open the file using a text editor. You'll see a number of ${prefix} variables. Remove
those using a search-and-replace with an empty string. Then add the following code to the top
of the file to create the database and allow juddi to access it:
GRANT ALL ON juddiDB.* TO juddi@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'juddi';
GRANT ALL ON juddiDB.* TO juddi@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'juddi';
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