Java Reference
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Validating Inbound Message Data
You want to validate the data in an inbound message against its XML schema definition.
Use the <validate> activity, and specify the name of the variables to validate. If validation
fails, the standard BPEL fault invalidVariables is thrown.
The <validate> activity validates a list of variables against the schema that defines them.
Here is an example:
<receive name="sendPurchaseOrder"
<validate name="validatePO" variables="purchaseOrderRequest" />
<assign name="Assign_2">
This activity is fairly straightforward, defining only the two attributes just shown, and one
other: suppressJoinFailure . If more than one variable is intended to be validated, separate
them with spaces in the variables attribute. If the engine discovers a violation of the schema
in the variables listed, it will throw an invalidVariables fault. You can catch this fault and
deal with it as you would any other. Not all engines support this feature. For example, Sun's
BPEL SE that runs in the OpenESB JBI container does not implement this activity.
Validation baked into your process in this manner can be a hindrance to performance.
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