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Though they are frequently defined globally, at the process level, you can also specify partner
links within a certain scope, in which case their life cycle matches that of their enclosing
Say you wanted to create a relationship with a partner service that the process itself will al-
ways initiate. You can use a single <role> element within your <partnerLinkType> as in
this example, borrowed from the WSDL defined in Example 9-3 :
<plnk:partnerLinkType name="CustomerProcessEsb">
<plnk:role name="CustomerProcessEsbPortTypeRole"
Defining partner links allows you to manage the conversation between partners, and essen-
tially is a matter of deciding which side of the conversation each participant is on. A partner
link is just a variable that lets you indicate the role of the process, or the role of the partner
In some cases (for example, when using a callback), you need to specify two roles. If you spe-
cify two roles in the partner link type, you can indicate both roles at once.
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