Java Reference
In-Depth Information
In this chapter, we established working definitions of central terms such as service-oriented ar-
chitecture and services themselves. We started from a very general level and addressed chiefly
matters of organization, such as how to establish a reference architecture and choose a pi-
lot project. But we also examined fairly specific criteria useful in determining worthy service
candidates as well as specific guidelines to establish to support the goals of SOA within your
While there are additional design considerations we will address, most of the rest of this topic
is very practical, and addresses coding problems with coding solutions. Even coding problems
have more than one solution. But in the case of the topics in this chapter, there are many other
legitimate points of view, and many people who might disagree with some of my conclusions
in it.
There are many good topics that cover these topics and others in greater detail. If you are in-
terested in high-level service design and organizational considerations, you might read Tho-
mas Erl's SOA:PrinciplesofServiceDesign(Prentice Hall) and Nicolai M. Josuttis's SOAin
Practice(O'Reilly) ( ).
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