Java Reference
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Once you've got the IDE support, choose File→New Project…→SOA→BPEL Module. The
Ant scripts within NetBeans will allow you to build your project just by clicking the hammer
icon. This button is tied to an Ant build target, and will put your process XML files into a JAR
so that they are ready for consumption by a composite application project.
Glassfish v2 includes a JBI implementation, and a BPEL Service Engine (SE) should be installed
with that. This is the runtime environment for your process. You can verify that your BPEL SE is in-
stalled by opening your Glassfish web administration console, clicking JBI→Components, and find-
ing the “sun-bpel-engine” in the list of installed components. Also make sure that it's running: the list
of components should show it in a “Started” state.
Importing the web service WSDL
You've created a BPEL project, but haven't yet created a process. You'll do that in a moment.
In this step, you'll import the WSDL from the web service you created earlier. In order to
avoid making costly network connections to the file at runtime (which also requires an Inter-
net connection), you can import an externally defined WSDL into your project. This way, the
resulting deployable BPEL JAR artifact will store a copy and avoid this overhead. Here's how
to do it.
Right-click on the Process Files folder under your project. Choose New→Other→XML→Ex-
ternal WSDL Document. In the “From URL” field, point to your WSDL and save your work.
This creates a local copy of the external WSDL and any referenced XML schemas in the
BPEL project. If you make changes to your web service in the future that impact the interface,
you will need to delete these locally created copies and import them again.
Now that you have imported the WSDL, you have a port type that can be invoked as a partner
in the business process. But in order to do that, you need to create a partner link to reference
the service as a partner of the process.
Creating a partner link for the web service
Now you're ready to create the partner link for the local WSDL because one wasn't defined
in the remote WSDL. Find the CustomerLookupService.wsdlfile. This is the WSDL you just
imported, and it is located under a Process Files folder that is named after the remote host
from which you retrieved it.
Once the WSDL is open, click the Partner label near the tool bar. This takes you to the view
where you can define partner links on your WSDL; your WSDL as defined earlier does not
contain any partner link information. Click the Autocreate button, and change the name of the
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