Java Reference
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while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
return sb.toString();
The ProductHtmlFormReader class implements the MessageBodyReader<T> class. Its type
parameter is List<Product> because that's what your resource deals with. The reader is
invoked on an incoming POST request containing multi-part form data, as indicated by its
@Consumes annotation. Once the runtime determines that this is the appropriate handler (using
the isReadable method), the readFrom method is invoked. That method reads the incoming
request to do something with its data payload. In this example, you use two helper methods
to prepare the form data for creating the product posted by the user to add to the order. The
formToString method takes the request input stream and wraps it with a buffered reader so
that it's easy to break up into a single string. The resulting string is passed to the formToMap
method, which parses the string for the key/value pairs that make up the form. Those key/
value pairs represent the user's selections in the form, and match one-to-one the properties of
your Product bean. So you use that data to construct a new Product , add it to the accumulat-
ing list, and return control to the resource.
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