Java Reference
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Setting Metadata on Representations
You want to follow the RESTful principle of setting metadata on representations you return to
Use the Response and ResponseBuilder classes to set your metadata using some of their
built-in methods.
One of the tenets of REST is that representations can include metadata. In JAX-RS, this idea
is enabled by the ResponseBuilder class, which is an inner class of Response . The build pat-
tern employed by this class means that a modified instance of Response is returned by each
invocation so that you can append any amount of metadata you need to, one item at a time.
Here's an example:
public Response addUser(...) {
User user = ...
URI userId = UriBuilder.fromResource(User.class)...
return Response.created(userId).build();
The use of the created method here modified the response by setting the HTTP status
code to 201 Created. Table 8-1 highlights the metadata methods available from Re-
sponse.ResponseBuilder .
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