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This is where you should indicate what BP 1.1 guidelines you are following, or state your
position on them. Define a set of best practices for your organization based on accepted in-
dustry best practices, and incorporate them into your design. Some of these can be elicited
from standards such as the WS-I Basic Profile. For example, the BP 1.1 requires that WSDLs
use a target namespace. Use this opportunity to explicitly state such conventions so that other
developers in your organization can quickly adhere to them.
Create one section of the site devoted to security. This is a large and complex topic in the
world of web services, and there are many standards that make this work. Vendors are at dif-
ferent stages of implementation with respect to these standards, and it could be very useful to
sort this out for your team. Finally, these guidelines can be important for ensuring interoper-
ability, and can indicate items such as:
▪ Use of particular cipher suites
▪ Use of digital signatures
▪ Transport layer security
▪ Authentication methods
As your SOA grows, it will be useful to have an aggregate list of roles allowed within each
service, as this will help organize process orchestration efforts.
Depending on your team's level of experience, you might include working examples of code
that illustrate how to create services and the attendant assemblies.
Consider establishing your architecture concurrently alongside your pilot projects. Developing an ar-
chitecture entirely up-front without really seeing how the tools work together and how the standards
are implemented can have a devastating effect on your deadline and ultimately your product. This is
particularly true when you're in a learning stage, such as during pilots. Make a general plan with the
understanding that you probably won't stick to it. Do a little and then revise your plan. Architectures
can be agile too, and don't have to be complete to get people working in the right direction. You can
also, as Frederick Brooks wrote, “Make one to throw away.”
Consider creating a list of important terms and their agreed-upon definitions that you will go
by so that they are clear in your team's mind. Some concepts within SOA are contentious,
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