Java Reference
In-Depth Information
▪ Container, which is a set of container dependencies, such as for Grizzly (the NIO imple-
mentation), a lightweight HTTP server, or a servlet container.
▪ Entity, the set of dependencies required for serializing Java types with JAXB, for working
with JSON, Atom, and Mail. If you're already using Java SE 6, you don't need any addi-
tional dependencies.
▪ WADL support requires no additional JARs if you're using Java SE 6.
To successfully run the JAX-RS reference implementation, you need a lot of JARs. It's prob-
ably easiest to put them on your server's classpath, but you can certainly add them to your
WAR's WEB-INF/libdirectory if you like. As of the current release, they are:
▪ activation.jar
▪ asm-3.1.jar
▪ grizzly-servlet-webserver-
▪ http.jar
▪ jaxb-api.jar
▪ jaxb-impl.jar
▪ jaxb-xjc.jar
▪ jaxws-api.jar
▪ jdom-1.0.jar
▪ jersey.jar
▪ jettison-1.0-RC1.jar
▪ jsr173_api.jar
▪ jsr250-api.jar
▪ jsr311-api.jar
▪ rome-0.9.jar
▪ wadl2java.jar
Of course, not every example will require the use of all of these, and they do all come with the
Jersey download. If you're using Ant and need a complete list of dependencies based on how
you're using Jersey, visit the project page at for more information.
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