Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The size and shape of your RA site will be dictated by the size, organization, and distribution of your
development teams.
As a suggestion, the items outlined in the following sections might be useful within a referen-
ce architecture.
Conventions enable clearer communication. They are a matter of subjective taste initially, but
once established, they must be followed to make things easier to find and understand. Here
are some examples of conventions you might consider creating guidelines for:
▪ Document names, including schemas, WSDLs, and binding customization files
▪ File locations and physical project structure of service implementation projects
These are more strict than guidelines, and are less a matter of taste. They have a functional
purpose, such that if the standards are not followed, degraded performance or functional side
effects can occur.
If you are unfamiliar with WSDLs or Schema design patterns, consult Chapter 2 .
It can be useful to standardize the following:
▪ Allowing use of binding customization files, such as for JAXB or JAX-WS (see
Chapter 3 )
▪ Whether customizations are allowed, inline or external (see Chapter 3 )
▪ Importing WSDL bindings versus defining them inline
▪ Importing schema types in WSDL versus defining them inline
▪ Default protocol choice, and when other protocols are acceptable
▪ Choosing which “start from” method (see Chapter 2 )
▪ Appropriate use of schema design patterns (see Chapter 2 )
▪ Using interfaces
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