Java Reference
In-Depth Information
* uses the Auth token to create a new portfolio, then
* reads the list of portfolios for this user.
* See:
public class GoogleFinanceRestClient {
//replace with your account username and password
private static String ACCOUNT = "";
private static String PASSWORD = "xxx";
//use this to connect to API for auth token
private static String AUTH_URL = "";
//use this to interact with API once authorized
private static String FINANCE_URL = "";
//This is a formattable string. You must replace
//the %s to add your title
private static String ATOM_PORTFOLIO_ADD_XML =
"<entry xmlns='' " +
"xmlns:gf='' " +
"xmlns:gd=''>" +
"<title type='text'>%s</title>" +
"<gf:portfolioData currencyCode='USD'/></entry>";
public static void main(String... arg) throws Exception {
//Create an instance of this class
GoogleFinanceRestClient client = new GoogleFinanceRestClient();
//authenticate over SSL to get a session token
String token = client.getAuthToken();
//Create a new portfolio
client.addPortfolio(token, "My Restful Portfolio");
//Retrieve list of current portfolios
* Retrieve the list of available portfolios for
* the authorized user.
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