Java Reference
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Optimizing Transmission of Binary Content on the
You have a web service that must send and receive binary data, such as an image or a PDF,
and you want to optimize performance.
Use the annotation on your web service endpoint implementation.
When you define a web service that includes operations for sending and receiving binary data,
the encoding to xs:base64Binary can get very verbose, as all binary content must be en-
coded and set with the message as text. A character encoding of base64Binary will increase
the size of the message by 1.33 times the original size when UTF-8 is used. It's necessary to
compress this content, much as you might use HTTP compression in a web server. Luckily,
it's very easy to do.
By default, JAX-WS disables MTOM-encoding. To enable it on your web service, just use the
MTOM annotation:
public class MyService { ... }
MTOM is intended to replace MIME attachments (Microsoft's DIME attachments are all but
obsolete) as a method for binary optimization, relying on XOP (XML Binary Optimized Pack-
aging). Though the optimized form compacts the character sequence of the binary content in
the message, the content can still be reconstructed at the receiver.
Visit to read the MTOM specification.
MTOM is widely supported, portable, and interoperable. In addition to Glassfish and WebLo-
gic10gR3, MTOM is implemented in Axis 2. You can read about how to use MTOM in Axis
2 at .
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