Java Reference
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Defining Operations with Void Return Type
You want to create a web service operation that does not return any value.
Define a Java method with a void return type and then add to it the @OneWay annotation.
This is perhaps not common, but there are times when you want to update a service with a
new value, and do not need a response. You cannot simply define a Java method with a void
return type. Say that we want to create the following web service operation:
public void update(int status) {
System.out.println("The new status is: " + status);
The WSDL operation generated from this method will not have the desired effect. It will look
like this:
<operation name="update">
<input message="tns:update" />
<output message="tns:updateResponse" />
Of course, we could just go ahead and call it at this point, like this:
//Remember WebServiceRef only works in managed environment
public CalculatorWSService service;
and this invocation would go through using JAX-WS. However, it's not really what we want
because we're getting a result and we're just ignoring it. Moreover, there are SAAJ clients that
would have a hard time with this, as the runtime complains because it's not getting a response
when one is expected (at least according to the WSDL).
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