Java Reference
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Specifying an Operation Return Value
You want to define a return value for a Java method so that it maps to a WSDL output.
Use the @WebResult annotation to map to an existing wsdl:output or to customize how it's
You can explicitly specify a Java method as a service operation by annotating it with the
@WebResult annotation. But the annotation also allows you to specify certain properties of
how the operation will be represented in the WSDL. These are shown in Table 7-3 .
Table7-3.@WebResult properties
The name of the return value. This will match the element name in the schema that is
mapped from the WSDL's message for the response. If the style is RPC and no @WebRes-
ult.partName has been specified, this value will be used as the wsdl:part that repres-
ents the return value. If the operation is document style or the return type maps to a head-
er, this will be the name of the schema element that represents the return value.
The name of the wsdl:part that represents this return value. This is only used if the oper-
ation is RPC style or if the operation is document style and the parameter style is bare.
targetNamespace The XML target namespace for the element representing the return value if the style is
RPC or if the style is document and the parameter style is bare.
If set to true, the result will be pulled from a value set as a message header instead of one
set into the message body.
Here is an example of how specifying the name property affects the WSDL. Assume the
following Java method in a service implementation annnotated with an empty @WebService
(which gives you the default style of document/literal):
public @WebResult(name="doItOne") int
doIt(int x) {
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