Java Reference
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* Used to manually run the wsgen tool against.
name="GenCatalog", serviceName="GenCatalog")
public class CatalogToGen {
public String getTitle(
@WebParam(name="id") String id) {
return "King Lear";
Given this source file, you'll compile it like this from the directory that stores the top-level
javac com/soacookbook/
Now you can run the wsgen tool across this class to generate a WSDL, schema, and appropri-
ate JAX-WS artifacts:
$ wsgen -verbose -cp . -wsdl -servicename {}Catalog \
-keep -r gen -s gen com.soacookbook.CatalogToGen
Note: ap round: 1
[ProcessedMethods Class: com.soacookbook.CatalogToGen]
[should process method: getTitle hasWebMethods: true ]
[endpointReferencesInterface: false]
[declaring class has WebSevice: true]
[returning: true]
[WrapperGen - method: getTitle(java.lang.String)]
[method.getDeclaringType(): com.soacookbook.CatalogToGen]
[requestWrapper: com.soacookbook.jaxws.GetTitle]
[ProcessedMethods Class: java.lang.Object]
Note: ap round: 2
You see the output as a result of running the command with the -verbose option. Because you
used the -keep option, your generated Java source files are not deleted after compilation. The
tool makes two classes, GetTitle for request messages and GetTitleResponse for response
messages, and places them in the package name you used, appended with jaxws . The classes
are put in the directory named gen, as specified with the -s option.
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