Java Reference
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Status: Job is done running: My Batch
Using Asynchronous Callbacks
This section assumes that you have performed the steps earlier in this recipe to generate the
asynchronous SEI.
The second generated method uses a callback defined by the client that will receive the re-
sponse from the service operation when it is complete. The method signature is as follows:
@WebMethod(operationName = "doLongJob")
@RequestWrapper(localName = "doLongJob",
targetNamespace = "",
className = "com.soacookbook.ns.DoLongJob")
@ResponseWrapper(localName = "doLongJobResponse",
targetNamespace = "",
className = "com.soacookbook.ns.DoLongJobResponse")
public Future<?> doLongJobAsync(
String jobName,
@WebParam(name = "asyncHandler", targetNamespace = "")
AsyncHandler<DoLongJobResponse> asyncHandler);
Notice that there are two changes to the regular method signature. The method does not
return a DoLongJobResponse , which the WSDL defines, nor does it return a Respon-
se<DoLongJobResponse> as with the asynchronous polling method. Rather, it returns a Fu-
ture<?> . The second change is that, unlike the polling method, which does not modify the
argument list from the original method, this adds a parameter, which is an AsyncHandler ,
parameterized on DoLongJobResponse . But where does this AsyncHandler implementation
come from? You have to write it, and pass an instance of it to the service invocation. The in-
terface contains only one method, called handleResponse , which accepts a Response<T> .
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