Java Reference
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Passing Binary Data in a Request
You need to send binary data, such as an image file or PDF, within the body of a SOAP mes-
Use a byte array to represent your binary data. The WSDL will represent this as xs:base64
or xs:hexBinary .
Example 6-16 demonstrates this. The use case idea here is a web service operation called
getImage , which accepts a string as input. The string is an identifier for an image in a database
that has been previously stored as a BLOB (Binary Large Object). You could use the ID to
perform a SQL query and get the BLOB out, returning it as a byte array. To keep it simple and
focused, though, just create a regular byte array and return it.
Example6-16.Binary data method
public @WebResult(name="imageResponse",
String imageId) {
//Use the passed ID to find this instance in the database
//This is our fake image data...
byte[] imageBytes = {1,0};
//If you want to save your image data to a database,
//create a PreparedStatement and use:
new ByteArrayInputStream(sigImageData), imageBytes.length);
return imageBytes;
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