Java Reference
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vocation to an implementation of , which the Service
class decorates.
The Service Provider Interface (SPI) was introduced publicly in Java SE 6, though it was used in-
ternally within the Java APIs since version 1.4. It allows a pluggable architecture by indicating the
name of a class that implements a given interface within the META-INF directory of a JAR. Though
the developer does not need to worry about it, this is how the ServiceDelegate implementation is
supplied at runtime.
In the calculator example, the port has one method, to match the single add operation defined
in the WSDL. Let's take a step back and unpack this for a moment, as there's a lot going on
@WebResult(targetNamespace = "")
@RequestWrapper(localName = "add",
targetNamespace = "",
className = "")
@ResponseWrapper(localName = "addResponse",
targetNamespace = "",
className = "")
public int add(
@WebParam(name = "i", targetNamespace = "")
int i,
@WebParam(name = "j", targetNamespace = "")
int j);
As you can see, your seemingly simple, innocuous add method suddenly has a variety of an-
notations adorning it. We'll account for these one by one.
First, your WSDL specifies the following in the messages section:
<message name="add"> <part name="parameters" element="tns:add"></part>
So the SEI needs to account for this message, and creates an annotation indicating that
the runtime will create a message with a QName that contains a local part of add , in the
specified namespace. That message is derived from the Java class that is also generated, , which looks like this:
@XmlType(name = "add", propOrder = {
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