Java Reference
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A required element if the error is related to the processing of the SOAP body, in which
case it provides details concerning what went wrong.
A required element in a Fault. It must be a fully qualified name (that is, it must contain a
prefix and local part).
The SOAP 1.1 specification defines four fault codes, and they are listed in Table 5-1 .
Table5-1.SOAP 1.1 fault codes
Local name
Client (called
Sender in SOAP
The node processing the SOAP message found that the message was improperly formed,
or did not contain sufficient data to complete processing.
Server (called Re-
ceiver in SOAP
There is nothing wrong with the message itself, but the node throwing the fault was un-
able to process the message due to some problematic condition with the receiver. This
generally means that the same message can be sent again later, and that the receiver may
be able to process it at that point.
MustUnderstand The node throwing the fault doesn't understand part of the message that a header in the
message asserts that it should.
VersionMismatch The node throwing the fault expected a valid envelope containing the proper namespace
and local name, but found something else.
The only possible child elements of soap:Fault in SOAP 1.2 are the following:
Provides a human-readable explanation of the fault
Indicates the node that was processing the message when the fault occurred
Indicates the role in which the processor was acting when the fault occurred
Carries application-specific error information, and may be used for additional explanation
of fault codes used
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