Java Reference
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good deal of sense. In fact, that's some of the basis for the justification for creating the WS-
Addressing specification. WS-Addressing still provides routing information in a manner sim-
ilar to SOAPAction , but it does so in structured SOAP headers, not HTTP headers.
The Basic Profile (the specification from the Web Services Interoperability consortium that
provides guidelines for ensuring that web services are interoperable across multiple platforms)
requires that SOAPAction be present and its value must be a quoted string. But the string can
be empty. Java implementations, including the SAAJ and JAX-WS reference implementa-
tions, will automatically add SOAPAction as a header, and give it a value of “” (empty string).
This complies with the Basic Profile and doesn't break encapsulation.
Another thing to consider is that the WSDL 1.2 and 2.0 specifications make soapAction op-
tional, so they may be deprecated before too long in favor of elements provided by the WS-
Addressing specification.
Some web services, particularly those implemented in .NET, require you to specify a real
value for a SOAPAction header. In Java, this will be created, but its value will be an empty
The SOAPAction will typically look something like this:
POST /stockquote.asmx HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: length
SOAPAction: "http://www.webserviceX.NET/GetQuote"
If you don't specify it, the service will complain. Adding a SOAPAction is turned off by de-
fault on both the Dispatch and Call objects that are used to send messages. In order to use
services that require a SOAPAction , you have to do two things: enable the message to provide
a value for SOAPAction and then provide the value.
Because you have to enable it this way, SOAPAction is notjust another MIME header like
any other you might want to add. So let's look at a web service from the good folks at ht-
tp:// , which has been around for a few years.
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