Java Reference
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SOAPBody body = env.getBody();
//Create a qualified name for the namespace of the
//objects used by the service.
String iNs = "";
String elementName = "isbn";
QName isbnQName = new QName(iNs, elementName);
//Add the <isbn> element to the SOAP body
//as its only child
//debug print what we're sending
} catch (SOAPException ex) {
} catch (IOException ex) {
The code doesn't invoke any web service, it just creates a message that is suitable for sending
to some WSDL that requires a message in this format. Here is the result of running the pro-
<isbn xmlns="">12345</isbn>
If there are no attachments on the message, it is just written out as XML. If there are attach-
ments on the message, a MIME-encoded byte stream is written. Also, the method throws an
IOException if it can't write to the given stream.
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