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} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
out.println("Cannot find source: " + fnfe);
} catch (XMLStreamException e) {
out.println("Cannot parse: " + e);
private void findHighPrices(XMLEventReader reader,
XMLEvent event) throws XMLStreamException {
String currentElem = event.asStartElement().toString();
// save off the title so we can match the price with it
if ("<title>".equals(currentElem)) {
lastTitle = reader.getElementText();
// get the current price and add to collection if high
if ("<price>".equals(currentElem)) {
double price;
try {
price = Double.parseDouble(reader
if (price > 10.0D) {
expensiveBooks.put(lastTitle, price);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
} catch (XMLStreamException xse) {
* Get only start elements for efficiency. If we returned only
* attributes, for example, we wouldn't be able to read the data
* we're interested in here (title and price values).
class StartElementEventFilter implements EventFilter {
// only req'd method to implement
public boolean accept(XMLEvent event) {
return event.isStartElement();
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