Java Reference
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Generating a Schema from Java
You have a Java class and you want to generate an XML schema that matches it.
Run the command-line tool schemagen , which comes with Java SE 6. Alternatively, generate
a schema at runtime with SchemaOutputResolver .
XML schemas can be generated from Java classes. You can use the annotations in the
javax.xml.bind.annotations package to give the marshaler hints during the generation
process. The schemagen utility comes with the reference implementation of JAXB, and so
you can also find it among the Java SE 6 tools. Typing schemagen at the command line should
give you usage information.
Using schemagen
In its simplest form, you can use schemagen by passing the name of the class you want to cre-
ate a schema for. To invoke schemagen on Windows, you can use the batch file, and on Linux
use the shell script. Here is the quickest example:
> schemagen
You may run into problems using schemagen on Windows XP Service Pack 2 with JDK 1.6.0. This
was filed as bug 6510966. Thanks to Brian Lee for discovering this.
This will first compile the specified Java class, and then write out a new XSD file called
schema1.xsdin the current directory by default. To override the directory in which schemagen
places its output, use the -d option. Finally, the Product class does not have any external de-
pendencies, but if it did, you would need to specify those with the -cp option. Example 2-16
is what your Java source file looks like.
Example2-16.Plain class with no annotations
package com.soacookbook.ch02.schemagen;
import java.util.Date;
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