Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure A-21. An error message in the portal
Once the stored procedure has been created, you can execute it to view the output. Click the Data header to
view the page where you can execute the stored procedure. If your stored procedure has parameters, a list of input
parameters will be displayed, and you can specify an input (in the In Value column). The other columns in the list
of input parameters are for informational purposes only and cannot be modified. These additional columns show
you which parameters are output parameters, what their default values are, and their data types. Once you have
specified the input parameters click the Run button on top. The output of the stored procedure, along with the input
parameters specified, will look like Figure A-22 . If multiple result sets are returned by the stored procedure you can
select one using the drop-down immediately below the Results link as shown in Figure A-5 earlier.
Figure A-22. Executing a stored procedure
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