Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
A new icon—it resembles a pencil—on the left side of the row allows me to undo my edits, and the box on top of
the table list shows the new value entered (you can edit the value in the column field directly, or in the text box area
on top).
Clicking the up/down arrow on the right of the text box expands or collapses the text area (see Figure A-18 ).
Clicking the Null icon sets the value to Null. Clicking the Revert Cell icon resets your changes back to the original
value. To save your changes, click the Save icon at the top of the screen. Note that you will not be able to edit all data
types; for example, binary columns cannot be edited.
Designing Views
To manage your views, click the Views header from the default design page (shown earlier in Figure A-10 ). You will
see a list of existing views. You can delete a view by selecting the view and then clicking Drop View at the bottom.
Browsing the list with the mouse will also display the Edit and Dependencies icons discussed previously. You can also
filter the list of views by typing characters in the Search box on top.
Let's create a view. Click the New view icon at the bottom of the list. A new page allows you to specify the name
of the view, its schema (you can change the default schema by clicking on it and selecting from a list of available
schemas, if any are available in the database), and the T-SQL of the view in the middle of the page. Figure A-19 shows
you that I am creating a view called v_DBO_Tables in the dbo schema. Click the Save icon on top to create the view.
Figure A-19. Creating a view
Once the view has been created, the page will display two new headers: Design and Data. The Design header
allows you to edit the current view, and the Data header displays the list of records returned by the view, similar to the
Data page for tables shown in Figure A-17 . The difference, however, is that the output of the view is read-only, so you
cannot change the data returned by the view.
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