Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
As you can see from the above discussion, you can configure your deployment strategy in many ways. You
should establish the deployment model ahead of time so that you do not end up pointing to the wrong database
when you are developing.
For more information about the Azure configuration files, read the following Msdn link:
Deploying an ASP.NET Application in Windows Azure
You're almost there. In this section, you walk through the steps of deploying the ASP.NET application in the cloud. You
can publish an application directly from Visual Studio or package deployment files and deploy them manually. Because
publishing directly from Visual Studio requires the creation of certificates and may require changing firewall settings, I'll
show you the manual deployment steps to make things simpler to follow.
You need to package your project. Right-click AzureExample (the cloud project), and click
Package. This action opens the dialog box seen previously in Figure 8-15 . Select your Build
and Service configuration and click Package. Once the package is created successfully,
Windows Explorer opens where the deployment files are located. You will need these files
shortly, so do not close that window.
Open Internet Explorer, navigate to the Azure Management Portal
( ), and log in using your Live ID.
When you've logged in, the Internet Explorer window shows you the home page for your
Azure account. Click on Cloud Services.
You should see the page shown in Figure 8-1 at the beginning of this chapter. Click the
AzureExample service and then click the Staging link. You now see the staging dashboard
of the AzureExample service.
Click Upload. Deploying in staging creates a temporary service that you can use to test
before promoting to the final public URL. This way, you can test that your application is
working as desired before deploying it in production.
You now see the Upload a package dialog box (see Figure 8-19 ) with the following fields:
Deployment Name . Under Service Deployment Name, you need to enter a label for your
service. Type TEST001 , for example. To avoid a warning about our test deployment, check
the option at the bottom of the screen (Deploy even if one or more roles contain a single
instance). You can click the question mark to learn more about this warning.
Package . This is the package that Visual Studio built for you. It's the file with extension
.cspkg in the Windows Explorer window. Clicking Browse opens an Open form. You may
find it easier to copy the entire path from the Windows Explorer window and paste it in the
Open form. Select the package file, and click Open.
Configuration . This is the configuration file of your cloud service project with a .cscfg
extension. Again, click Browse and select the configuration file from the Open form.
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