Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
In a city where real estate is the price of gold, money makes all the differen-
ce when you're seeking accommodation. If you have cash, you'll be spoiled
for choice, so wide is the range of luxurious places. The midrange options
are less mind-blowing but adequate, while further down, the pickings get
thinner - the defining feature here is hostels with tiny rooms.
For more accommodation reviews by Lonely Planet authors, check out ht-
tp:// . You'll find independent reviews, as well as recommend-
ations on the best places to stay. Best of all, you can book online.
New Trends
Since the easing of cross-border travel restrictions by China in 2003, mainland visitors have
become the single largest market for Hong Kong. As most of them are middle-class and here
to shop, they seek out midrange lodging in central locations. This has led to a proliferation of
hotels and serviced apartments falling in the middle of the price spectrum that cater to these
tourists, and an increase in prices of accommodation in general. More and more hotels, in-
cluding upmarket ones, are offering long-stay deals.
It's worth noting that during peak seasons, the rates at some of the midrange hotels, espe-
cially those in Wan Chai, Yau Ma Tei and Tsim Sha Tsui, can be up to five times the low-sea-
son rates. This discrepancy is not as marked in top-end hotels or the cheapest places.
Keep in mind that whatever your budget, accommodation costs are higher in Hong Kong
than in most other Asian cities, but cheaper than in Europe and the US.
Top-End Hotels
Hong Kong's luxury hotels are locked in an arms race for the dollars of affluent travellers.
Their weapons are superstar restaurants, lavish spa complexes and smooth service catering to
your most footling whims. It doesn't come cheaply though. Prices for top-of-the-range hotels
start from close to HK$2000 per room. A few of them offer comfort, amenities and service
that compete with or surpass that of the world's finest five-star hotels.
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