Travel Reference
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This meandering 1km trail through three old but lively (partially walled) vil-
lages in northwestern New Territories will lead you down the memory lane of
pre-colonial Hong Kong, including the spectacular Ping Shan Village. The trail
boasts 12 well-restored historic buildings and a museum at Ping Shan dedic-
ated to the powerful Tang clan, the founders of this 500-year-old village and
considered the first immigrants to settle in Hong Kong.
Start with the Ping Shan Tang Clan Gallery ( Ping Shan) at the eastern end of the trail.
Housed in a beautifully restored former police station, the gallery showcases the history of
the Tang clan and its relation to Ping Shan. The colourful collections include a traditional
sedan chair, ritual wares and a giant wooden bed. The building itself, by the way, was built
in 1899 and was a colonial outpost to monitor 'untoward' villagers.
Retrace your steps to Ping Ha Rd and turn right. The small Hung Shing Temple is on
your right-hand side, followed by Ching Shu Hin Chamber and Kun Ting Study Hall
where you turn right again. North of them are the Tang Ancestral Hall and Yu Kiu Ances-
tral Hall , two of the largest ancestral halls in Hong Kong. The Tangs justifiably brag about
them, especially the hall that bears their name, since it follows a unique three-halls-two-
courtyards structure which shows the clan's prestigious status inside the imperial court.
Further on are some more temples and an old well. At the end of the trail is the three-
storey Tsui Sing Lau (
Tin Shui Wai) , the only surviving ancient pagoda in Hong Kong.
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