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Figure 6.8. Offi cial Map of the 2012 Northern California Renaissance Faire,
by Michelle Amsbury. Used with permission.
metalworkers, and glassblowers. Other vendors include weavers, clothiers,
cobblers, hatters, fabric artists, and potters. Drinking and eating are main-
stays of any Faire, where ciders, wines, and beers are sold. A large fellow
with a beard in period costume and a whole turkey leg in one hand and a
fl agon of wine in the other is a relatively common sight. Stages are spread
out through the Faire arrangement on which different players can be seen.
Musicians also perform (and sometimes sell their anachronistic CDs). The
Faire also features “period” rides and games.
Various groups of players parade through the grounds at scheduled
times: Queen Elizabeth I and The Royal Order of the Tudor Rose as well as
other guilds including La Danse Macabre . A gaggle of bawdy washerwomen
(also a guild) beat wet garments on rocks, splashing people and singing.
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