Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 2
Intensification of Aerobic Processing
of the Organic Wastes into Compost
A. N. Ivankin, Urja Pandya and Meenu Saraf
Abstract The review is devoted to modern achievement in area of the aerobic pro-
cessing of the organic wastes in compost for improvement of an ecological condi-
tion of the environment and purposeful use at intensification of the agriculture. The
methods of reception and characteristic of products of microbiological transforma-
tion household, agricultural and industrial wastes are considered.
Keywords Aerobic · Bioprocess · Organic matter · Pathogens · Waste treatment ·
Kinetics · Animal manure
As a result of ability to live of the person the significant amount of waste of differ-
ent structure is formed. These wastes demand the subsequent destruction or recep-
tion from them the products, capable to find of the further application in various
areas. The simplest way of destruction of waste is their burning. However in some
cases these wastes have a liquid consistence and are not capable to ignition. Dur-
ing their burning such quantity of toxic substances which neutralization demands
the expenses which are not compensated by the offered kind of processing can be
allocated (Neklyudov and Ivankin 2003 ). A way of waste processing having popu-
larity increase from years of composting. As a rule, it consists in natural biological
decomposition of organic substance of waste by means of various kinds of microor-
ganisms. The end-product of decomposition is humus substance which with success
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