Agriculture Reference
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(Ouédraogo et al. 2001 ). The compost application increases soil organic carbon con-
tent, hot-water extractable carbon, earthworm's numbers, microbial biomass and
reduced soil bulk density and crop yield (D'Hose et al. 2012 ).
Augmenting suitable practices of agricultural management and up keeping of soil
fertility using compost is befitting in providing the agricultural sustainability in
crop production. The role of microbial decomposition balanced through factors in-
fluencing organic matter decomposition and compost preparation in improved way
applied in soil recycling found to be beneficial for agricultural production. In this
context decomposition of organic material or waste by suitable microorganisms
with concern to produce high value compost and incorporation in alternation of
chemical farming practices. Composting of organic waste material and utilization
in farming practices is an alarming issue for future prespectives of research. which
could mitigate the pollutants indirectly and benefit the agro-industry directly by
adopting environment friendly approaches for agricultural sustainability.
Acharya CN (1939) Comparision of different method of composting waste materials. Indian J
Agric Soil 9:565-572
Adekalu KO, Olorunfemi IA, Osunbitan JA (2007) Grass mulching effect on infiltration, surface
runoff and soil loss of three agricultural soils in Nigeria. Bioresour Technol 98:912-917
Alexender M (1983) Introduction to soil microbiology, 2nd edn. Willey Eastern Limited, New
York, p 467
Ali S (1970) Ph.D thesis. Allahabad University, Allahabad, India
Allision FE (1973) Soil organic matter and its role in the crop production. Elsevier Scientific Pub-
lication Co. Inc. New York, p 455
Alvarez JVL, Larrucea MA, Bermúdez PA, Chicote BL (2009) Biodegradation of paper waste
under controlled composting conditions. Waste Manage 29:1514-1519
Arzamasova ZA, Kuzmenkova AM (1962) Effect of mineral additives on the decomposition of
(city) refuse and its microflora. Sb Nauch Rab Akad Kemmun Khez 14:103
Banagar KC, Shankar S, Kapoor KK, Kukreja K, Mishra MM (1989) Preparation of nitrogen
and phosphorus enriched paddy straw and its effect on the yield and nutrient uptake by wheat
(  Triticum aestivum L.). Biol Fertil Soils 8:339-342
Bationo A, Kihara J, Vanlauwe B, Waswa B, Kimetu J (2007) Soil organic carbon dynamics, func-
tions and management in West African agro-ecosystems. Agric Syst 94:13-25
Benito M, Masaguer A, Moliner A, Arrigo N, Palma RM (2003) Chemical and microbiological
parameters for the characterisation of the stability and maturity of pruning waste compost. Biol
Fertil Soils 37:184-189
Bernard E, Larkin RP, Tavantzis S, Erich MS, Alyokhin A, Sewell G, Lannan A, Gross SD (2012)
Compost, rapeseed rotation, and biocontrol agents significantly impact soil microbial commu-
nities in organic and conventional potato production systems. Appl Soil Ecol 52:29-41
Bezborodov GA, Shadmanov DK, Mirhashimov RT, Yuldashev T, Qureshi AS, Noble AD, Qadir
M (2010) Mulching and water quality effects on soil salinity and sodicity dynamics and cotton
productivity in Central Asia. Agric Ecosyst Environ 138:95-102
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