Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
EastErn EuropE
and thE aEgEan
136 Bog walking in Estonia
137 Sea kayaking the Baltic
138 Stay on an eco ranch in Bieszczady National Park,
139 Canoe the Danube delta, Romania
140 Explore Borjomi-Kharagauli National Park, Georgia
141 Turtle power in Zakynthos, Greece
142 Wildflowers and Saxon villages, Romania
143 Stay in a Ukrainian village
144 Ride towards Mount Ararat, Armenia
145 Live among birds of prey at Dadia, Greece
146 Cycle the Heritage Trail in Bohemia
147 Hike in Retezat National Park, Romania
148 Be the guest of a count in Transylvania
149 Take to the waters at Aquacity, Slovakia
150 Hide away in a Turkish lighthouse
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