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2. The second part (lines 7 to 10) copies and deletes the remaining user profiles
(from position i to N )fromthe U-Net to the candidates (2 a ) list because
their scores need to be recomputed using Formula 7 and with respect to the
best user profile in candidates (computed in part 1). Then, the best user
profile is inserted in position i . In the on-going example of Figure 1, the user
profiles v 3 ,v 4 ,v 5 are copied and removed from the U-Net to the candidates
list and user profile v 7 is added in the U-Net at position 3 (2 a and 2 b ).
3. Finally, in the last part (lines 11 to 15), the algorithm iteratively computes,
for each empty position i in the U-Net (positions emptied in part 2), the
scores of the user profiles in the candidates list using Formula 7 and taking
into account the set of users in the U-Net at positions 1 , ..., i−
1 (lines 12 and
13 and step 3 a in the figure). Then, the most useful candidate is moved to
the U-Net at that position (line 15 and step 3 b in the figure). The algorithm
repeats these steps until all the positions in U-Net are filled out (line 11).
Recall that gossip protocols converge quickly [3]. As a consequence the U-
Net will also converge quickly and, in general, tends to stabilize. Therefore, the
algorithm will stop at step 1 b more and more frequently.
Algorithm 1. Useful U-Net
Input : u profile, U-Net u (array[1..N]), RandomView u
Output : U-Net u is updated with respect to the RandomView
candidates : unsorted list of user profiles ;
candidates ← RandomView u
− U-Net u ; best ←∅ ; i ← 0;
i ++;
for each c j
candidates do score ( c j )
usefulness ( c j , u , U-Net u [1 ..i −
arg max c∈candidates ( score ( c ));
until i=N or score ( best ) > score ( U-Net [ i ]);
if score ( best ) > score ( U-Net [ i ]) then
after← U-Net u [ i..N ]; U-Net u [ i ] ← best ; i ++;
best ;
candidates ← after ∪ candidates ; U-Net u ← U-Net u
− after ;
while i<N and candidates = do
for each c j ∈ candidates do
score ( c j )
usefulness ( c j ,u,U-Net u [1 ..i −
arg max c∈candidates ( score ( c )); U-Net u [ i ]
best ;
candidates ← candidates
− best ; i ++;
4 Experimental Evaluation
In this section, we provide an experimental evaluation to validate our approach
and compare it to other state-of-the-art solutions. We conducted a set of experi-
ments using three datasets which correspond to MovieLens , Flickr and LastFM .
In Section 4.1, we introduce the experimental setup of our evaluation. Then, in
Section 4.2, we present and discuss the experimental results.
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