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Fig. 5.1 Sarmiento's Trilemma is the representation of the bodily metaphor of Body, Mind, and
Spirit. It is applied to understanding Andean identity by the dynamic interaction of Yanantin, the
complementary dualism of the physical and the psychological, with the infl uence of Masantin, the
enthusiastic synergy of the spiritual. These interactions determine that Andean identity be negoti-
ated between Andeanity for physical, Andeaness for psychological, and Andeanitude for spiritual
realms. The background image depicts the Andean lapwing ( Vanellus resplendes ), an endemic
Andean species that carries an intricate biocultural heritage (Photo: Fausto Sarmiento)
traditions and the incorporation of sacred sites conservation concerned with heri-
tage cultural landscapes (Cachiguango et al. 2001 ; Sarmiento 2013b ).
Cultural landscape narratives refl ect increased participation of local and indig-
enous communities associated with a protected area of national or international
importance, particularly considered emblematic as world heritage sites for listing
within the Heritage Convention (Rössler 2006 ). Landscape itself is a term increas-
ingly used to describe a manageable unit of the SES that integrates art, science,
economy, religion, and philosophy into a concrete, tangible element of regional
planning and sustainable development. The incidence of ecology on society and
vice-versa (Odum and Sarmiento 1998 ) has prompted a (re)formulation of conser-
vation territories and a (re)conceptualization of political ecology as the explana-
tory of farmscape transformation in the larger cordillera of the Andes. This
about-face of nature/culture divide has, in reality, helped to include landscape and
inscape in the arsenal of deep ecologists at the end of the twentieth century (Naess
1995 ) and landscape ecologists at the beginning of the twenty-fi rst century (Naveh
et al. 2002 ). Moreover, it is part of the lingo of today's environmental ethicists
(Rozzi 2013 ).
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