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For Earth Stewardship as liberation ecology from Latin America, a hermeneutical
key will be community or convivial life, a political term because it requires just
power relations, at the same time corresponding to the ancestral ethos of original
peoples that emphasize the interrelationship or “connectiveness” of all existence.
This will be the moral community where the diversity of biocultures live together,
where monkeys do not cry and the poor do not die. With Dorothy Stang, this Earth
steward prays: “All I ask of God is His grace to help me keep on this journey, fi ght-
ing for the people to have a more egalitarian life at all times and that we learn to
respect God's Creation” (Murphy 2007 , p. 131).
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Formación Ambiental para América Latina y el Caribe, Mexico
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Double Clic, Montevideo
González-Álvarez LJ (1991) Ética ecológica para América Latina. Editorial El Buho, Bogotá
Gudynas E (1995) Ecology from the viewpoint of the poor. Concilium 261(5):139-149
Gudynas E (2001) Los delicados equilibrios de la conservación en América Latina. In: Primack R,
Rozzi R, Feinsinger P et al (eds) Fundamentos de conservación biológica. Perspectivas latino-
americanas. Fondo de Cultura Económica, México, pp 663-664
Gutiérrez G (1973) A theology of liberation, history, politics and salvation (trans and ed: Inda C,
Eagleson J). Orbis Books, Maryknoll
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