Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 22.1 Nelson Mandela delivered an inspiring speech calling for more involvement of
communities and youth at the V World Parks Congress, Durban, South Africa 2003
critical issues for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development.
CBD's Aichi Target 11 positions protected areas fi rmly within the broader goals of
sustainability and community well-being through the next generation and beyond.
This approach borrows from new insights from ecological sciences (Callicott 1997 ).
To facilitate as broad a discussion as possible on a range of issues, we outline some
core themes for IUCN, and discuss its implications for policy and conservation.
These will be integrated into guiding principles, a plan for action and vision
statement under development called The Promise of Sydney launched at the VI
World Parks Congress in November 2014 ( ) .
Reaching Conservation Goals
In the decade since the last WPC, the science of conservation has advanced rapidly,
but so too have the pressures on protected areas and the requirements for scaling-up
responses. Critics have claimed that protected areas are not the most effective
tool for conservation, citing their limited size and relative isolation, proposing,
instead, less well-defi ned approaches for ecosystem management and regulations.
We clearly need to look at the future. If the Aichi Targets are meant to be interim
goals for 2020, what should IUCN ultimate goals for nature conservation look like?
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