Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Please rank the relative value of each potential contribution of arts and humanities inquiry to LTER goals.
Arts and humanities research contributes to or enables:
To understand a diverse array of ecosystems at multiple spatial and temporal scales
To create general knowledge through long-term interdisciplinary research, synthesis
of information, and development of theory
To inform the LTER and broader scientific community by creating well-designed
and well-documented databases
To create a legacy of well-designed and documented long-term observation,
experiments, and archives of samples and specimens for future generations
To promote training, teaching, and learning about long-term ecological research
and the Earth's ecosystems, and to educate a new generation of scientists
To reach out to the broader scientific community, natural resource managers,
policymakers, and the general public by providing decision support, information,
recommendations and the knowledge and capability to address complex
environmental challenges
To protect or manage ecosystems, biodiversity, and environmental services
To foster dialogue between the scientific community, policy makers, and society
To contribute toward the advancement of the health, productivity, and welfare of
the global environment
Environmental Impact
To develop empathetic relationships with the natural world and stimulate
inspiration, awe, and wonder
Relationship Building
To participate in studies of ecological processes that play out at time scales
spanning decades to centuries, provide a context to evaluate the nature and pace of
ecological change, interpret its effects, and forecast the range of future biological
responses to change
Long-Term Ecological
To understand human drivers on natural systems, investigate the impacts of
ecosystems on humans, and explore human perceptions of and attitudes about the
natural world
Human Dimensions
Fig. 16.10 Provided list of LTER goals, mission, and intellectual commitments
(Fig. 16.11 ). While we expected Outreach , Communication , and Education to rank
highly, we were surprised by the high ranking of both (3) Relationship Building
(“To develop empathetic relationships with the natural world and stimulate inspira-
tion, awe, and wonder”) and (4) Human Dimensions (“To understand human drivers
on natural systems, investigate the impacts of ecosystems on humans, and explore
human perceptions of and attitudes about the natural world”). Both responses relate
to human-nature relationships and they represent either new or implicit commit-
ments of the LTER Network. However, eleven sites, nearly half, ranked these
80 % relative value.
Alternatively, the LTER goals and mission statements least relevant to arts and
humanities inquiry, as identifi ed by respondents, are (1) Information and (2) Long-
Term Ecological Research . These are followed closely by (3) Legacies , (4) Synthesis ,
and (5) Understanding (Fig. 16.12 ). It is not clear if respondents see these responses
as unrelated to arts and humanities inquiry, or whether instead they think LTER sci-
ence already does these well, and therefore arts and humanities can (and should)
contribute in different ways. It is clear that respondents identify a strong relation-
ship between arts and humanities inquiry and several stated LTER goals, specifi -
cally Outreach , Communication , and Education , as well as to Human Dimensions
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